Twitter Control

Twitter Control é um User Control que gerencia e incorpora em sua página, varios tipos de plugins, tais como Tweet Button, Follow Button, Embedded Tweets, Embedded Video e  Embedded Timelines do Twitter para integrar com seu site. Já vem com um exemplo (Xpz).


Tweet Button

O botão Tweet é um pequeno botão exibido em seu site para ajudar os telespectadores facilmente compartilhar seu conteúdo no Twitter. Um botão Tweet consiste em duas partes: um link para um Tweet compositor no e os widgets do Twitter JavaScript para melhorar a ligação com o botão oficial e facilmente reconhecível Tweet do Twitter.


Tweet Button Parâmetro de Referência

text optionalPre-populated text highlighted in the Tweet composer.

Example Value: custom share text

url optionalURL included with the Tweet.

Example Value:

hashtags optionalA comma-separated list of hashtags to be appended to default Tweet text.

Example Value: example,demo

via optionalAttribute the source of a Tweet to a Twitter username.

Appears appended to Tweet text as via @username. The Twitter account may appear in a list of recommended accounts to follow.

Example Value: twitterdev

Button display parameters

Customize your displayed Tweet Button size, Tweet count display, button alignment, and more.

These visual parameters do not apply to Web Intents, which are styled separately by implementing sites.

size optionalWhen set to large, display a larger version of the button. Set to l for iframe.

Example Value: large

align optionalForce align the button to the left or right of the generated iframe.

Default behavior: the Tweet button chooses the best alignment option for the widget’s language.

Example Value: right

count optionalWhen set to none, the number of Tweets including the specified URL will not be shown.

When set to vertical, the number of Tweets including the specified URL appears above the button.

Example Value: none

counturl optionalExplicitly define a canonical URI for aggregated Tweet count display.

Example Value:

lang optionalA supported Twitter language code.

Loads text components in the specified language.

Example Value: es

dnt optionalWhen set to true, the Tweet and its embedded page do not influence Twitter targeting including suggested accounts.

Example Value: true

Follow Button

O botão Seguir é um pequeno botão exibido em seus sites para ajudar os usuários a seguir facilmente uma conta no Twitter. Um botão Seguir é composto por duas partes: um link para uma página web a intenção follow on e os widgets do Twitter JavaScript para melhorar a ligação com o botão oficial e facilmente reconhecível Seguir do Twitter.


Follow Button Parâmetro de Referência

A follow button may be customized from its default settings by specifying parameter overrides.

screen_name requiredThe Twitter username to be followed.

Automatically extracted from the anchor element’s href attribute when using JavaScript-enhanced button markup.

Example Value: TwitterDev

show_screen_name optionalSet to false to hide the username of the specified account.

Example Value: false

show_count optionalSet to false to hide the number of accounts following the specified account.

Example Value: false

size optionalSet to large to display a larger button.

Example Value: large

lang optionalA supported Twitter language code.

Loads text components in the specified language.

Example Value: es

dnt optionalWhen set to true, the specified Twitter account does not influence Twitter targeting including suggested accounts.

Example Value: true

Embedded Tweets

Uma Tweet incorporado traz o melhor conteúdo criado no Twitter em seu artigo ou website. Uma Tweet incorporado pode incluir fotos originais ou um vídeo criado para exibição no Twitter ou previews links interativos para destacar o conteúdo adicional. Autor atribuição, hashtags, menciona, e outros componentes-chave da experiência Twitter ajuda a audiência do seu site se conectar com a conversa global acontecendo no Twitter.


Embedded Tweet parâmetro de referência

An Embedded Tweet supports customization in data-* attributes and JavaScript factory functions. This reference document describes parameters used in all formats.

Reference the oEmbed API to set these parameters as part of an HTML response for a Tweet ID or URL.


id requiredThe numerical ID of the desired Tweet.

Example Values: 20

cards optionalWhen set to hidden, links in a Tweet are not expanded to photo, video, or link previews.

Example Value: hidden

conversation optionalWhen set to none, only the cited Tweet will be displayed even if it is in reply to another Tweet.

Example Value: none

lang optionalA supported Twitter language code.

Loads text components in the specified language. Note: does not affect the text of the cited Tweet.

Example Value: es

dnt optionalWhen set to true, the Tweet and its embedded page do not influence Twitter targeting including suggested accounts.

Example Value: true

theme optionalWhen set to dark, displays Tweet with light text over a dark background.

Example Value: dark

width optionalThe maximum width of the rendered Tweet in whole pixels. This value should be between 250 and 550 pixels.

Example Value: 325

align optionalFloat the Tweet left, right, or center relative to its container. Typically set to allow text or other content to wrap around the Tweet.

Example Value: right

Embedded Video

Um vídeo incorporado traz o melhor conteúdo de vídeo criado no Twitter em seu artigo ou site em um Tweet exibição otimizada-video.


Embedded Video Parâmetro de Referência

id requiredThe numerical ID of the desired Tweet.

Example Value: 560070183650213889

status optionalWhen set to hidden, selecting the Twitter bird logo on the bottom corner of the video player will link to the Tweet URL instead of displaying a Tweet overlay.

Example Value: hidden

lang optionalA supported Twitter language code.

Loads text components of a Tweet overlay in the specified language. Note: does not affect the text of the cited Tweet.

Example Value: es

Embedded Timelines

Timelines incorporados são uma maneira fácil de incorporar várias tweets no seu site em uma visão única coluna compacta. Mostrar as últimas tweets de uma única conta do Twitter, várias contas, ou toque na conversa em todo o mundo em torno de um tema agrupados em um resultado de pesquisa.



Embedded Timeline Parâmetro de Referência

chromeRemove a display component of a timeline with space-separated tokens.

noheader – hides the header

nofooter – hides the footer, if visible

noborders – removes all borders: around the widget, between Tweets, and inside a Tweet

noscrollbar – crop and hide the timeline scrollbar, if visible

transparent – remove background color

Example Values: transparent noborders

tweet-limitDisplay an expanded timeline of between 1 and 20 Tweets.

Example Value: 5

aria-politeSet an assertive ARIA politeness value for widget components and updates.

Example Value: assertive

langA supported Twitter language code.

Loads text components in the specified language. Note: does not affect the text of a Tweet displayed inside a timeline.

Example Value: es

themeWhen set to dark, displays Tweet with light text over a dark background.

Example Value: dark

border-colorSet the color of widget component borders, including the border between Tweets, with a hexadecimal color value.

Example Value: #a80000

widthSet the maximum width of the widget between 180 and 520 pixels.

Example Value: 300

heightSet the height of a displayed widget, overriding the value stored with the widget ID. Must be greater than 200 pixels.

Note: the height parameter does not apply when a tweet-limit parameter is specified

Example Value: 400


Parâmetros de substituição

The following parameters override the data source for the specific widget ID.

screen-nameDisplay Tweets from a Twitter user specified by @username.

Applies to embedded user timelines.

Example Value: TwitterDev

user-idDisplay Tweets from a Twitter user specified by ID.

Applies to embedded user timelines.

Example Value: 2244994945

list-owner-screen-nameDisplay a Twitter list belonging to a Twitter user specified by @username. Must be paired with a specific list provided by list-slug or list-id.

Applies to embedded list timelines.

Example Value: TwitterDev

list-owner-idDisplay a Twitter list belonging to a Twitter user specified by ID. Must be paired with a specific list provided by list-slug or list-id.

Applies to embedded list timelines.

Example Value: 2244994945

list-slugDisplay a Twitter list using a short identifier selected by its curator. Must be paired with a list curator provided by list-owner-screen-name or list-owner-id.

Applies to embedded list timelines.

Example Value: national-parks

list-idDisplay a Twitter list using a unique identifier assigned by Twitter. Must be paired with a list curator provided by list-owner-screen-name or list-owner-id.

Applies to embedded list timelines.

Example Value: 207763459

custom-timeline-idDisplay a collection of Tweets specified by a collection identifier.

Applies to embedded collection timelines.

Example Value: 539487832448843776



Muito simples e prático de ser utilizado, simplesmente passar o endereço da pagina, para seguir, compartilhar e para o restante, possui também outras configurações disponiveis, caso desejar, veja:

Event Start
	//Compartilhar um link 
	TwitterControl1.DataVia = 'Weltowjn'
	TwitterControl1.Href    = ''
	//Follow Button
	TwitterControl2.DataVia = 'Weltowjn'
	TwitterControl2.Href    = ''
	//Embedded Tweets
	TwitterControl3.DataVia = 'Weltowjn'
	TwitterControl3.Href    = ''
	//Embedded Video
	TwitterControl4.DataVia = 'Twitter'
	TwitterControl4.Href    = ''
	//Embedded Timelines
	TwitterControl5.DataVia = 'Weltowjn'
	TwitterControl5.Href    = ''